Currently winning 400 votes
Samantha K.Josh F.Heather B.Carla-maria U.Debra P.Mandy M.
Jacob is 15 months now and constantly growing, learning and smiling. He is our first baby and the light of my life. He's been trying to walk and stand since he was 3 months old and finally succeeded on his birthday. He quickly transitioned from crawling to running and shows no signs of stopping

  • plant, pottedplant, face, head, person, photography, portrait, tree, grass, nature, outdoors, park, jar, planter, pottery, vase, vegetation, baby, conifer, clothing
  • photography, face, head, person, portrait, clothing, costume, people, coat, lighting, adult, male, man, accessories, glasses, hood, hat, urban, city, outdoors
  • accessories, glasses, face, head, person, photography, portrait, people, clothing, hat, adult, female, woman, cap, baby, baseballcap, male, man, costume, happy
  • face, head, person, photography, portrait, clothing, coat, jacket, people, plant, tree, adult, female, woman, accessories, glasses, happy, smile, grass, pants
