⭐️ Livylou as we call her is a sweet but sassy little girl who has already brought so much joy to our lives! She loves her big sister and follows her everywhere! Please private message me on Facebook for any advanced voting questions(Manda Leonard)! All other votes will be considered a gift unless...

  • advertisement, ball, clothing, face, handball, head, letter, logo, menu, number, page, pebble, people, person, poster, sphere, sport, symbol, text, textmessage
  • architecture, backyard, building, clothing, dress, face, grass, head, lawn, nature, outdoors, park, person, photography, plant, portrait, pottedplant, shelter, summer, yard
  • architecture, backyard, building, child, face, grass, head, nature, outdoors, park, person, photography, plant, portrait, shelter, sitting, summer, tree, vegetation, yard
  • architecture, backyard, building, child, face, female, girl, grass, head, lawn, nature, outdoors, park, person, photography, plant, portrait, shelter, vegetation, yard
